10>Fire or Smoke (1-in-1,116):
Roughly 50%-80% of fire related deaths are due to smoke inhalation rather than burns but together, in the United States, these claims thousands of lives ever year.
9>Assault by Firearm (1-in-325):
In many countries, primarily in Europe, where gun ownership has been outlawed, gun crimes remain fairly low. Other countries, however, have a much higher prevalence of gun violence. Places like Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Guatemala, and the United States lose billions of dollars and thousands of lives annually due to this problem.
8>Falling Down (1-in-246):
If this seems benign, then you must be young. This is the leading cause of injury related death among seniors in the world.
7>Intentional Self-harm (1-in-121):
Every 40 seconds someone somewhere on this planet kills themselves and every year roughly 1 million lives are lost due to suicide.
6>Motor Vehicle Accident (1-in-100):
In what is probably one of the most dangerous things any of us ever do on a regular basis, motor vehicle accidents claim about 50,000 American lives every year.
5>Accidental Injury (1-in-36):
With this umbrella category being responsible for around 30 million emergency room visits annually, the number of lives lost every year as a result hover around 100,000.
4>Stroke (1-in-23):
If you live in the developed world and you are reading this, then before you reach the end of this page you are almost guaranteed to discover the source of your future demise. Strokes are included on that list and about 1/3 of stroke victims die as a result.
3>Cancer (1-in-7):
If you live in the developed world and you are reading this, then before you reach the end of this page you are almost guaranteed to discover the source of your future demise. Strokes are included on that list and about 1/3 of stroke victims die as a result.
2>Heart Disease (1-in-5):
It is commonly thought by many experts that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. And while this may be true, at least in academic circles, there exists a force far more sinister…
1>Chuck Norris:
Unfortunately there are no statistics for Chuck Norris related deaths, but it is safe to say that your probability of survival is directly correlated to what he thinks of you being alive. In other words, if your existence upsets him, we are terribly sorry. For the rest of you
Roughly 50%-80% of fire related deaths are due to smoke inhalation rather than burns but together, in the United States, these claims thousands of lives ever year.
9>Assault by Firearm (1-in-325):
In many countries, primarily in Europe, where gun ownership has been outlawed, gun crimes remain fairly low. Other countries, however, have a much higher prevalence of gun violence. Places like Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Guatemala, and the United States lose billions of dollars and thousands of lives annually due to this problem.
8>Falling Down (1-in-246):
If this seems benign, then you must be young. This is the leading cause of injury related death among seniors in the world.
7>Intentional Self-harm (1-in-121):
Every 40 seconds someone somewhere on this planet kills themselves and every year roughly 1 million lives are lost due to suicide.
6>Motor Vehicle Accident (1-in-100):
In what is probably one of the most dangerous things any of us ever do on a regular basis, motor vehicle accidents claim about 50,000 American lives every year.
5>Accidental Injury (1-in-36):
With this umbrella category being responsible for around 30 million emergency room visits annually, the number of lives lost every year as a result hover around 100,000.
4>Stroke (1-in-23):
If you live in the developed world and you are reading this, then before you reach the end of this page you are almost guaranteed to discover the source of your future demise. Strokes are included on that list and about 1/3 of stroke victims die as a result.
3>Cancer (1-in-7):
If you live in the developed world and you are reading this, then before you reach the end of this page you are almost guaranteed to discover the source of your future demise. Strokes are included on that list and about 1/3 of stroke victims die as a result.
2>Heart Disease (1-in-5):
It is commonly thought by many experts that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. And while this may be true, at least in academic circles, there exists a force far more sinister…
1>Chuck Norris:
Unfortunately there are no statistics for Chuck Norris related deaths, but it is safe to say that your probability of survival is directly correlated to what he thinks of you being alive. In other words, if your existence upsets him, we are terribly sorry. For the rest of you
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